pp108 : Working with Tasks in the Work List

Working with Tasks in the Work List

This topic describes various ways of working with tasks in an Inbox.

Users can work on the tasks available in the personal list. However, they can also claim the tasks that are assigned to the roles, teams, or work lists that they are associated with. If applicable, users can view the tasks, open them, and complete them from the Inbox itself.

User Operations

Process Platform Inbox provides a task toolbar to the users through which various operations can be performed on the tasks such as claiming the tasks, starting the claimed or assigned tasks, pausing the tasks when required and so on. Every user can perform some basic operations, such as, claim task, start task, pause task, complete task, and so on. A Work list Manager or a Team Lead can perform additional operations, such as, skipping a task, suspending a task, or forwarding a task to another work list or team and so on. The following sections describe the various operations that can be performed on various tasks or cases in the Inbox, by users as well as managers.

Apart from using the icons on the toolbar, you can also use keyboard shortcuts to perform actions on the tasks. For more information on the keyboard shortcuts list, refer to Keyboard Shortcuts.




Task Status


Claim the task from the work list. Any user in the work list can claim the task and work on it. Once the task is claimed by the user, it is displayed under the Personal Tasks tab of the user and the corresponding work list.

The task status will change from (New) to the (Assigned) state.


Start executing the task. Once the task claimed is started, the user can perform the following:

  • Click to Pause the task.
  • Click to Stop the task.
  • Click to Complete the task.

The task status will change from (Start) to (In-Progress) state.


Temporarily stop executing the task. Click on the task toolbar to resume a paused task.

The task status will change to Paused state.


Completely stop executing the task. Click to start executing a stopped task.

The task status will change to Assigned state where the user can start the task again.


Only a claimed task can be revoked. Once it is revoked, it is moved back to the corresponding folder. For example, a revoked task will be moved back to the work list folder, if it was claimed from the work list or a task claimed from a team is moved back to the team folder when it is revoked.
Note: When the users who are delegated or forwarded tasks do not acknowledge to work on those tasks, they will be revoked and assigned back to the user who has forwarded those tasks.

The task status will change to New state.


Finish executing the task. Click to complete the task.

The task status will change to Complete state.
Note: Completed tasks are not displayed in the Inbox, by default. They are visible only when the work list manager selects the Show 'Completed' Tasks in the Work List check box while setting work list preferences on the Inbox.


Skip the task. Once the task is skipped, it will become a non-workable item.

The task will change to Obsolete state.
Note: The skipped task will not be visible in the work list, by default. It will be visible in the work list, only if the work list manager selects the Show Non-Workable tasks in the Work List check box, while setting work list preferences on the Inbox. For the procedure on skipping a task, refer to Skipping a Task.


Delegate the task to another user.

This is performed on the personal tasks.The ownership of the task lies with the User who delegated the task. For the procedure on delegating a task, refer to Delegating a Task.


Forward the task to another user.

This is performed on the personal tasks.The ownership of the task lies with the User to whom the task is forwarded.For the procedure on forwarding a task, refer to Forwarding a Task.

Modify System Attributes

Modify the start date of a task.
Note: For Case activities, users can modify Start Date and also the Due Date of the task if they have the required access permissions defined while modeling the case.

For the procedure on modifying the system attributes of a task, refer to Modifying the System Attributes of a Task.

Manager Operations

The following table describes the icons on the Task Toolbar and various operations that can be performed by a work list manager or a team lead, apart from the above operations.




Task Status


Assign the task to a user. A user with a work list manger role or a team lead role can assign a task to other users in their corresponding work lists or teams respectively. Once a task is assigned, the task is displayed under the Personal Tasks tab of user and the corresponding work list or team folders.

The task status will change from New to the Assigned state.


Finish executing the task on behalf of any user, if required. Click to complete the task.

The task status will change to Complete state.
Note: The completed task will not be visible in the Inbox, by default. It will be visible only when the work list manager selects the Show 'Completed' Tasks in the Work List check box while setting work list preferences on the Inbox.


Suspend the task from executing. Only a work list manager or team lead can suspend the execution of a task in the work list or team folder.

The task status will change to Suspend.
Note: The suspended task will not be visible in the work list or team folder, by default. It will be visible, only when the work list manager selects the Show Non-Workable tasks in the Work List check box while setting work list preferences on the Inbox. To resume the task again, the manager or lead has to click on the Task Toolbar. The status of the task in the will change to Pause state. User can then click on the Task Toolbar to start executing it again.


Skip the task. Once the task is skipped, it will become a non-workable task .

The task will change to Obsolete state.
Note: The skipped task will not be visible in the work list, by default. It will be visible in the work list or team folder, only if the work list manager or team lead selects the Show Non-Workable tasks in the Work List check box, while setting work list preferences on the Inbox. For the procedure on skipping a task, refer to Skipping a Task.


Forward the task to another work list or team.

This is performed on the tasks in the work list or team folder.The ownership of the task lies with the User to whom the task is forwarded. For the procedure on forwarding a task, refer to Forwarding Tasks.

  • To view the history of the task, do any of the following:
    • Right-click the required task and select View History.
    • Select the required task and click on the Inbox tool bar.
    • Open the required task and click on the Task tool bar.
      An Item History page is displayed. This page provides a Read-Only view of various states of the selected task.
      It contains information on:
      • current state of the task
      • old and new states of that task
      • actions that were performed on the task
      • names of the users who performed any action on the task
      • process which executed this task and so on.

Related tasks

Working with Cases in the Inbox
Searching Tasks in the Inbox
Attaching a Memo to a Task
Attaching Files to a Task
Delegating a Task
Forwarding Tasks
Forwarding Notifications
Delegating an Out of Office User's Tasks
Setting Reminders on a Task
Tagging a Task